국립부경대학교 | Robotics and Autonomous System Lab



Name : 이경창 (Kyung-Chang Lee) 

Title : Professor

Tel : +82-51-629-6332
Fax: +82-51-629-6333 

e-mail: gclee@pknu.ac.kr    


Research Area (the current) 

SLAM, Localization, and Autonomous Driving

Machine Vision and Machine Learning 
Collaboration of Collaborative Robot and Mobile Manipulator
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)

Embedded System for Robot, Automotive and Industry


Research Area (the past)  

Cyber-Physical System for Robot and Automotive
Networking for Robot, Automotive, and Industry (EtherCAT, CAN, FlexRay, etc.)
IoT Device for Smart Factory, Smart Health, and Smart Home
Tactile Sensor and Its Application for Robot



Ph.D., Pusan National University, Control and Automation Engineering, 1998.03 - 2003.02
M.S., Pusan National University, Mechanical Engineering, 1996.03 - 1998.02
B.S., Pusan National University, Mechanical Engineering, 1989.03 - 1996.02

2005.03 - 현재, 부경대학교 교수

2021.05 - 현재, 부경대학교 지능형로봇 혁신융합대학사업단 단장 

2020.09 - 현재, 부경대학교 4단계 BK21 스마트로봇융합응용교육연구단 단장

2016.09 - 2018.08, 부경대학교 교무부처장, 대학원 부원장   

2015.01 - 현재, 한국기계가공학회 부회장
2020.01 - 현재, 제어로봇시스템학회 이사 
2020.01 - 현재, 한국정밀공학회 이사
2003.03 - 2005.02, NARC (Network-based Automation Research Center), 전임연구원
1998.12 - 2003.02, METRIC (Mechanical Engineering & Technology Information Center, 전임연구원

Professional Societies
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers   
Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems
Korean Society of Precision Engineering
Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers

권욱현 젊은 연구자 논문상 (제어로봇시스템학회) (2008. 10)
젊은연구자상 (부경대학교) (2010.12)  
과학기술우수논문상 (한국과학기술단체총연합회) (2016.7) 
부산광역시장 표창장 (2022.3)